Multiple Choice Question Flashcards
Enter your information
- Head to
- Create a new deck if you don't have one yet.
- Click "Create" on the deck you want to add cards to.
- Select "Convert notes"
- Type the information into the text box, or upload a PDF, Word document, Powerpoint, JPEG, JPG, or PNG file containing the information.
- Use detailed information, and enough of it to produce questions.
- Our AI is pretty smart, but it can get confused.
- If the "false" options are not appropriate, check that there is enough information for the AI to know what topics your information relates to, so it can pick some more realistic alternative options.
What not to do
Enter too little detail
You may get a response with a single flashcard that is not very useful.
The more detail you add, the more our AI has to work with. Don't worry about adding too much detail, our AI will pick out the good bits for you!
Enter a question
Try the "Ask The AI" mode to do this.
Any other mode will not work well, as they are designed to create flashcards and answers from long text, word documents, PDFs, images, and PowerPoint presentations.
- Click the button to generate your flashcards.
- You're information will be processed and you will see a notification when your cards are ready
See your cards
Click the button to see your cards.Hover or tap on the cards to reveal the answer.